With strong company’s vision, the Company can maintain its strong decision making and trust regulary.
The Company vision is the root basis to change and improve our human resource. The Company values are as the following:
The Company focus on performing with confidence to reach positive result. With research and development, and various improvement to reach a higher standard for the market. With strong belief that we can do better than yesterday and tomorrow will be better, with great effort to enhance the Company to great excellence.
For generations we operate with honesty, trust, and emphathy. With a strong policy for “friendly” style of business. From proper business performance, and clear information sharing. The Company put priority for good governance, respect for rules and regulation, credibility of financial statement report from internal and external auditing, which include good work ethic for our employees. The Company is proud on our honesty and justice in our operation, which aid our goal in complying with all rules and regulation.
The Company prioritize a “Family-Like” environment for every employee. With basis that high quality employee will lead to company’s success. Hence the Company put forth the effort to locate quality employee for the Company. With great employee benefits, fair salary and top of the line training for development. The Company also promote better work place quality with proper hygiene and work place safety which benefits the company and the community as a whole.
Company commits to produce and serve our customer with high customer satisfaction and highest benefits for our customer. With belief that our customer will understand our asking price for the higher quality product. The Company understand the importance in quality control for every production process. Starting from raw material selection, production control, final product, and the response time to our customer to maintain our quality and standard, and finally on time delivery for our customer.
The Company understand the important for community and the environment. The Company is directly involved in improving the community and the environment, and is a participant of the 3R program with the government to reduce and develop recycle material to be utilize back in the process.